Using Bergsoft's Next(DB)Grid with Delphi
grid styles: Report & Slides
Input line for quick input
19 Column types
Standalone Inplace Editors
Column Footers
Column may be sorted in 7 different sorting types: Alphabetic, Boolean, CaseInsensitive,
Custom (with using OnCompare event), Date, Numeric and sorting IP addresses.
Bergsoft's Next(DB)Grid is one of the
main alternative grids to the basic TStringGrid that ships with Delphi. It comes
in two versions: Unbound (NextGrid), and Database-aware (NextDBGrid).
In addition to the .CHM file and stuff under \Demos, NextGrid Quick Start
and other articles are available
A grid is actually two parts: Columns, and Rows. Rows themselves are split
into Cells.
Note: The real site is
Stuff on is outdated
and is left over after the two developpers who built the BergGridView split (they're
over ownership.)
The main sources of information:
Two passwords are provided when buying a component: One is
to have access to the Members section, from which components and upgrades
can be downloaded; The other is provided and required when running the installer
(located after you click on file name in "Downloads"
section > "Serial Number")
The Installer only installs the Berg files on the disk, and optionally updates
the IDE's Library section to include paths to the Berg directory. It doesn't
actually compile and install the components. For this, open the IDE, check the
PDF to open the right .DPK project, compile, and install each component in the
right order.
Here's how to install the grid in Delphi 2007:
- Close the IDE
- Download and run nextgrids_XXXX.exe
- Choose the right IDE to update the Library path
- Open the IDE
- Go the Library Path section, and remove greyed-out paths wrongly added
by the installer
- Go to where Berg NextGrid was installed, open the 2007.bdsgroup, then compile and install
the following packages in this order (choose relevant packages):
- NxCommonRun.dpk, NxCommonDsgn.dpk, NxGridRun.dpk, NxGridDsgn.dpk,
NxDBGridRun.dpk, NxDBGridDsgn.dpk
- NxCollectionRun.dpk, NxCollectionDsgn.dpk,
NxInspectorRun.dpk, NxInspectorDsgn.dpk, NxSheetRun.dpk
- NxAddonsRun.dpk
- NxThirdPartyRun.dpk (Optional: Required for NxDataCellSource, NxGridPrint)
Create a new VCL project: Four new groups should have been added to the Palette: Next Suite, Next Editors, Next
Collection, Next Addons.
As of May 2008, Bergsoft doesn't provide an updater, and you must perform
upgrades yourself. Here's how to do it when using the EXE version:
- Run the Delphi IDE, and remove the Berg packages through Component > Install
- Remove the paths to Berg components through Tools > Options >
Library Win32. Otherwise,
the installer will re-add them
- Close the Delphi IDE (important)
- Run the Uninstaller located in the “Next Suite” sub-folder, or inside
the Berg program group
- Check that all of the files were removed in eg. C:\... Berg
- Run the new installer
Here's how to do it using the ZIP version:
- Run the Delphi IDE, and remove the Berg packages through Component > Install
- Close the Delphi IDE (important)
- Go into the "Next Suite" sub-folder, and remove all the files
- Sign in, and download the latest
ZIP package from Berg's site in the same directory, or update the IDE (Tools > Options > Library) accordingly
- Relaunch the IDE
- Go into the Berg\Packages directory, open eg. "Delphi
2007.bdsgroup", and install
each required package per the instructions above. You may have some errors
if the project group file contains references to components you don't have
- Close all projects without saving
You can check that the grid was updated by adding a widget on a form, right-clicking
on it, and choosing the Version item. More information on updating from the
ZIP file in Quick update.
- You must add this to the Uses clause:
NxColumns, NxColumnClasses
Otherwise, you'll get this error: "E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'coAutoSize'"
- When using methods/properties that deal with how columns are displayed,
the order in which the instructions are called is important. For instance,
try to reverse the order of those two instructions, and see how the columns
look in the grid:
for index := 0 to Columns.Count
- 1 do begin
Column Types
- TNxTextColumn: Displays standard text with some formating rules.
- TNxMemoColumn: Contain InplaceEditor which provide multi-select typing
text. Scrollbars may be shown or hidden.
- TNxNumberColumn: Displays number with applied FormatMask formating.
Inplace editor include spin buttons.
- TNxCheckBoxColumn: Displays checkbox unchecked on checked depending
from Cell's AsBoolean value.
- TNxComboBoxColumn: Contain InplaceEditor with Items which may be picked
from drop-down list. Value is stored as string into cell. New value may
be typed too.
- TNxListColumn: Contain InplaceEditor with Items which may be picked
from drop-down list. Value is stored as Integer who presents ItemIndex of
selected item.
- TNxDateColumn: Contain InplaceEditor with "DatePicker" which
may be used for picking new date.
- TNxTimeColumn: Time
- TNxButtonColumn: Contain InplaceEditor with separate button who trigger
OnButtonClick event. Glyph or Caption on button also may be set.
- TNxIncrementColumn: Display number of each row starting from 1.
- TNxProgressColumn: Display progress bar in various styles and colors
based on Cell's value. Min, Max properties also may be set..
- TNxRateColumn: Display ratings (starts...) based on Cell's Ingteger
value. Glyph and EmptyGlyph may be set.
- TNxCalcColumn: Numeric column which include Calculator drop-down control
for easy input; Same as Number Column but InplaceEditor is different (NxCalcEdit
is used)
- TNxHyperlinkColumn
- TNxHtmlColumn: Draw simple html layout text based on Cell's value. Also
include OnClick event for responds on "a" tag clicks.
- TNxImageColumn: Displays Image from ImageLists using Cell's value as
ImageIndex for Image.
- TNxGraphicColumn: Draw TGraphic object (Bitmap, Jpeg, Icon...) attached
to ObjectReference property of Cell.
- TNxColorColumn
- TNxTreeColumn: Draw , signs allowing user to set Expanded[ ] property
of row, collapse or expand rows in run-time.
- TNxVirtualColumn: Doesn't store value into memory, instead it use OnGetText
and OnSetText events to manage data "virtually".
- TNxGuidColumn: When new row is added, cell within Guid Column automatically
add GUID key; used for handling Windows TGUID strings; Requires adding NxVirtualColumn
to Users clause
Auto-incremented row ID
Create a column of type TNxIncrementColumn so as to display each row's ID
Handling joined SELECT in NextGrid
The issue when using the (non-DB-aware) NextGrid to display the output of
a SELECT that grabs data from multiple tables, ie. a joined query, is how to
handle updates, since columns don't belong to the same table, so we have to
find the row ID to which a given column belongs to when we build the relevant
UPDATE query.
A solution I found is the following:
- In the SELECT, includes all the non-ID columns that the user needs;
If the user might need to update some of them, make those editable while
leaving other columns read-only
- For any column that might need to be edited, include its row ID in the
- Unless the user has the need to see them, hide the ID columns (ColumnByName['id'].Visible
:= False), since
they're only used internally to handle updates
- For each column, use the Tag property: If the column contains a table's
ID, set it to nil; If it contains a data column, set it to the column that
contains its row ID. "Tag" isn't very explicite, and it'd be better
if NextGrid had eg. a ParentColumn property, but it works
Here's an example:
- CREATE TABLE t1 (t1_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, t1_somedatacolumn VARCHAR);
- CREATE TABLE t2 (t2_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, t2_somedatacolumn VARCHAR);
- Columns.Add(TNxTextColumn,'Table1 ID');
- Columns[0].Name := 't1_id';
- Columns[0].Tag := nil;
- Columns.Add(TNxTextColumn,'Table1 SomeData');
- Columns[1].Name := 't1_somedatacolumn';
- Columns[1].Tag := ColumnByName['t1_id'].Index;
- Columns.Add(TNxTextColumn,'Table2 ID');
- Columns[2].Name := 't2_id';
- Columns[2].Tag := nil;
- Columns.Add(TNxTextColumn,'Table2 SomeData');
- Columns[3].Name := 't2_somedatacolumn';
- Columns[3].Tag := ColumnByName['t2_id'].Index;
Enabling sorting in NextDBGrid
By default, the up/down arrow is shown when clicking on a cell, but rows
aren't actually sorted. This is due to the fact that data are fetched from the
dataset. More info here.
Wrong sorting order in numeric columns in NextGrid
If the column was created as TNxTextColumn instead of TNxNumberColumn, you
need to tell NextGrid that this column is actually numeric:
- NextGrid1.ColumnByName['id'].SortType := stNumeric;
Alternatively, create the column as TNxNumberColumn:
- //Caption
- NextGrid1.Columns.Add(TNxNumberColumn,MySL.Values['id']);
- //Name
- NextGrid1.Columns[0].Name := 'id';
Reading fields from the currently-selected row in NextDBGrid
- Uses [...], NxColumns, NxColumnClasses;
- //Read column names from dataset, and set each column's Name property
- //so as to referer to columns through their name instead of index
- DataSource1.DataSet := ASQLite3Query1;
- With NextDBGrid1 do begin
- DataSource := DataSource1;
- for i := 0 to Columns.Count - 1 do begin
- Columns[i].Name := Columns[i].FieldName;
- end;
- end;
- ShowMessage((NextDBGrid1.ColumnByName['label'] as TNxDBCustomColumn).Field.AsString);
Customizing a NextGrid look
Here's how to make sure the right-most column fills the whole available space,
selecting a cell selects the whole row, and the user can select more than one
row at a time:
- With NextDBGrid1 do begin
Options := Options + [goMultiSelect,goSelectFullRow];
Finding the selected row
Here's how to read the first column in the currently row that was selected
by double-clicking on it:
- With Frame21.NextGrid1 do begin
- ShowMessage(Cell[0,SelectedRow].AsString);
- end;
Looping through selected rows
- With NextDBGrid1 do begin
Options := Options + [goMultiSelect,goSelectFullRow];
ShowMessage('Select Count:' + IntToStr(NextDBGrid1.SelectedCount));
for i := 0 to NextDBGrid1.RowCount - 1 do begin
if NextDBGrid1.Selected[i] then
ShowMessage(NextDBGrid1.Cells[0, i]);
Refering to a specific column
Either NextGrid1.Columns.Column[0]
Note that some properties like Caption are unique to header/footer and not
available for columns. Also, when refering to column-type specific properties,
you need to use typecast such as:
It's also possible to refer to a column by its name instead:
Using names instead of numbers for columns
- procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- var
- i : Integer;
- begin
- [...]
- With NextDBGrid1 do begin
- DataSource := DataSource1;
- for i := 0 to Columns.Count - 1 do begin
- BestFitColumn(i, bfBoth);
- Columns[i].Name := Columns[i].FieldName;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- //Pop-up menu has item "CD"
- procedure TForm1.CD1Click(Sender: TObject);
- var
- i : Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to NextDBGrid1.RowCount - 1 do begin
- if NextDBGrid1.Selected[i] then begin
- //E2010 Incompatible types: 'Integer' and 'string'
- ShowMessage(NextDBGrid1.Columns[i].Name
+ '=' + NextDBGrid1.Cells['id', i]);
- end;
- end;
- end;
Filling a NextGrid with a TStringList
If you need to use a NextGrid instead of a NextDBGrid and still work with
a Query object, it's more user-friendly to provide beautified column names instead
of SQL column names(eg. "Identification" vs. "id".) An easy
way to do this, is to use a TStringList, where the SQL name acts as the key,
and the beautified name as the value:
- var
- MySL : TStringList;
- begin
- MySL := TStringList.Create;
- try
- MySL.CommaText := 'id=Identification,label=Label';
case some values contain spaces
:= True; -
- With NextGrid1 do begin
- AddRow(1);
- for I := 0 to 1 do begin
- Columns.Add(TNxTextColumn,MySL.ValueFromIndex[I]);
- Columns[index].Name
:= MySL.Names[index];
- BestFitColumn(i, bfCells);
- end;
- Columns[1].Options := Columns[1].Options
+ [coAutoSize];
- AppearanceOptions := AppearanceOptions
+ [aoHideFocus];
- Options := Options + [goSelectFullRow,goMultiSelect];
- J := 0;
- Cells[0,J] := 'item1';
- Cells[1,J] := 'item2';
- //E2035 Not enough actual parameters
- {
- CellByName['key,I] := 'item1';
- CellByName['value,I] := 'item2';
- }
- end;
- finally
- MySL.Free;
- end;
Customizing column captions in a NextDBGrid
Adding columns to a NextGrid at run-time
- With NextGrid1 do begin
- Columns.Add(TNxTextColumn,'Col1');
- Columns.Add(TNxTextColumn,'Col2');
- //No longer needed Columns[0].Header.Caption := ASQLite3Query1.Fields[0].FieldName;
- //Columns[1].Header.Caption := ASQLite3Query1.Fields[1].FieldName;
- Columns[1].Options := NextGrid1.Columns[1].Options
+ [coAutoSize];
- AddRow(ASQLite3Query1.RecordCount);
- end;
Having a NextDBGrid column fit widest string
- NextDBGrid1.BestFitColumn(0, bfBoth);
If you want all columns to be set that way, you'll need to loop through them:
- var i: Integer;
for i := 0 to NextDBGrid1.Columns.Count - 1 do
Clearing a grid
Adding rows
The first thing you must do to add data to a grid is to create rows for them
using NextGrid1.AddRow(x).
Converting datatypes
NextGrid1.Tag := NextGrid1.Cell[0,NextGrid1.SelectedRow].AsInteger;
Filling cells
The first digit is the column, the second digit is the row:
- GridView1.Cells[0, 1] := 'Col 0, Row 1';
- Cells[0, i] := ASQLite3Query1.Fields[i].FieldName;
- NextGrid1.Cells[i, row] := ASQLite3Query1.FieldByName('id').AsString;
Here's how to loop through a query, and fill a NextGrid widget:
NOTE : define row/i and create number of rows in NextGrid
before filling it!
- row := 0;
- ASQLite3Query1.First;
- while not ASQLite3Query1.Eof do begin
- for i := 0 to ASQLite3Query1.Fields.Count -
1 do begin
- NextGrid1.Cells[i, row]
:= ASQLite3Query1.Fields[i].AsString;
- end;
- inc(row);
- ASQLite3Query1.Next;
- end;
Using the NextDBGrid
To use NextDBGrid, the DB-aware version of NextGrid, you just need to connect
a DataSource widget to a query or table, and connect the NextDBGrid widget to
the DataSource:
DataSource1.DataSet := ASQLite3Query1;
NextDBGrid1.DataSource := DataSource1;
Building a TValueListEditor-like grid
Here's how to build a two-column grid to display key-value tuples. First,
add a NextGrid to the form, and the following items in the Uses section: NxColumns,
NxColumnClasses, ExtCtrls;
Next, select the grid, double-click on its OnCustomDrawCell event, and paste
this code:
- //NextGrid1.OnCustomDrawCell event
- procedure TForm1.NextGrid1CustomDrawCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow:
Integer; CellRect: TRect; CellState: TCellState);
- var
- R: TRect;
- begin
- with NextGrid1.Canvas do begin
- R := CellRect;
- Frame3D(NextGrid1.Canvas, R, clBtnHighlight,
clBtnShadow, 1);
- Brush.Color := clBtnFace;
- FillRect(R);
- TextRect(R, CellRect.Left + 4, CellRect.Top
+ 2, NextGrid1.Cells[ACol, ARow]);
- end;
- end;
Finally, double-click on the OnActivate form event, and paste this code:
- procedure TForm1.FormActivate(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- //NextGrid1.AppearanceOptions := NextGrid1.AppearanceOptions
+ [aoHideFocus];
//Second parameter = caption,
not name
:= 'Key';
Columns[1].Name := 'Value';-
- NextGrid1.FixedCols := 1;
- NextGrid1.Columns[0].DrawingOptions := doCustomOnly;
- //If you'd rather not specify the index of the
right-most column:
- //NextDBGrid1.Columns[ASQLite3Query1.FieldCount-1].Options
:= // NextDBGrid1.Columns[ASQLite3Query1.FieldCount-1].Options
+ [coAutoSize];
NextGrid1.Columns[1].Options := NextGrid1.Columns[1].Options
+ [coAutoSize];
- NextGrid1.AddRow;
- CellsByName['Key', 0] := 'key 1';
- CellsByName['Value', 0] := 'value 1';
- end;
Building a key/value NextGrid with key column as a TNxTreeView
In case we want to display different sections, it's useful to have the first
column be a TNxTreeView, so that the user can hit the +/- button to display
or hide the key/value tuples that belong to this item in the tree:
Making a NextDBGrid editable
It's not possible to make the whole grid editable in one go. Instead, you
must loop through each column, and set its coEditing property to true:
NextDBGrid1.Columns[0].Options := NextDBGrid1.Columns[0].Options + [coEditing];
Adding a checkbox in a cell
- procedure TForm1.NextDBGrid1ColumnCreate(Sender: TObject; Field: TField;
var ColumnClass: TNxDBColumnClass; var AddColumn: Boolean);
- begin
- if Field.FieldName = 'Sent' then begin
- ColumnClass := TNxDBCheckBoxColumn;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TForm1.NextDBGrid1ColumnAdded(Sender: TObject; Column: TNxDBCustomColumn);
- begin
- if Column is TNxDBCheckBoxColumn then begin
- with Column as TNxDBCheckBoxColumn
do begin
- ValueChecked
:= '1';
- ValueUnchecked
:= '0';
- //How
to get column id, and avoid hard-coding column width? BestFitColumn(0, bfBoth);
- Width
:= 50;
- end;
- end;
- end;
Widening a NextDBGrid
Here's how to make sure a NextDBGrid column is wide enough so that its header
can be read:
Scrolling down to the last row in NextGrid
Connecting to SQLite with the Aducom controls
UpdateSQL only needed when using a DB-aware control. Otherwise just use Query
Creating a Tree column at run-time
Some of TNxTreeView's properties such as ExpandLock and ShowButtons require
typecasting to be accessed at run-time:
- TNxTreeColumn(ColumnByName['key']).ExpandLock := False;
- TNxTreeColumn(ColumnByName['key']).ShowButtons := False;
Tips & Tricks
Note that if you use a TEXT field in SQLite, you must choose a a NxDBMemoColumn
item in the NextDBGrid to display it (available in 4.2.4 and above), and set its MemoDisplayOptions
property to mdContent. Otherwise, you'll get a "(MEMO)". This is not
necessary when using the NextGrid widget. Alternative: Use a VARCHAR.