NibbleBlog for lightweight blogging



  1. On the web server, set up an SMTP server and a web server
  2. cd /tmp
  3. wget -c
  4. unzip
  5. mv nibbleblog /var/www/
  6. http://srv/nibbleblog
  7. Create admin account, eg. nbadmin
  8. Click on "Experts (±)"
  9. Check that "Blog Address" matches your setup
  10. Make sure the user who owns the directory is the same that is running www/PHP
  11. Remove install.php and install_xml.php?
  12. Other security issues?
  13. Once up and running, go to the /nibbleblog/admin/ section

Post-install Setup

mod_rewrite for friendly URL's

Get rid of unneeded stuff in page (right bar, etc.)

Where are articles saved, both raw and cooked?

Turning Article into Event

The goal is to use NibbleBlog to post either articles or events. If the latter, we'll turn the AJAX-baxed and CAPTCHA-protected Comment section into a SignUp/SignOut section that first calls some code to check against a PunBB database that the user has been authenticated (session ID in cookie), and then lets the user sign up or sign out of the even, which means writing this information in MySQL and updating the NibbleBlog page accordingly.

As an alternative to rewriting the list of signed-up users, we could use an AJAX function to list/update within the event page, so that we don't need to rewrite the XML file and redownload the whole page.

Edit post_add.php to disable comments

$var_form['comments_active'] = NULL;

Hide checkbox option in form by removing whole DIV: <input name="form_field_comments_active" id="form_field_comments_active" type="checkbox" value="true" checked/>'.$_LANG['comments_enable'].'

Remove comments section ./includes/index_main.php

Remove "Comments(0)" section since it's no longer applicable

<span class="post_footer_comment"><a class="comments" href="'.$post_info['real_link'].'#comment_list">'.$_LANG['comments'].'('.$post_info['comment_count'].')</a></span>

Modify ./includes/post_view.php to include signup/out AJAX form



If category == 1, display form

Add Logout link

print '<a href="'.forum_link($forum_url['logout'], array($forum_user['id'], generate_form_token('logout'.$forum_user['id']))).'&amp;redirect=1">'.$lang_common['Logout'].'</a>';

Modify ./punbb/login.php to redirect to blog page instead of forum

else if ($action == 'out')


redirect("/blog/index.php"), $lang_login['Logout redirect']);

Add calendar with event dates highlighted
